Tuesday, June 22, 2021


One Liner: Austin rapper with only one track 

Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, but I'll say rap.
Home:  Austin!

Poster Position: 22 - bottom row!

Weekend Two Only.

Sunday at Noon on the VRBO Stage.

Thoughts:  With only one single song available on Spotify, its kind of hard to get a great feel for the guy, but I can tell you that he is a rapper who interpolates a little 2Pac (HAIL MARY!) into his only single, and uses a good amount of effects on his voice.

"Black Odyssey" is a play by Marcus Gardley, that sounds very weird.  "Black Odyssey mashes up Greek mythology and African-American folklore in this musical and visionary new take on Homer’s classic.  After he is lost at sea and presumed dead, Ulysses Lincoln, a Gulf War veteran, struggles to find his way home to his wife, Nella and his son, Malachi.  A host of Gods control his fate, including the dignified Deus, scheming Paw Sidin, and radiant Aunt Tina, who make Ulysses confront his ancestral past so he can embrace his unsettled present."  Mmmkay.  Well, that play is not this individual, but I just thought it was interesting to bring up where he maybe got the name from?

The opening of this song has him saying that he was driving down "35," so it sounds like he might be another local rapper.  That is the third local rapper down here on the bottom row of the poster.  It's like they dropped the gospel people out of the bottom row ghetto and moved the local rappers into their space.

This guy was "formerly known as Sam Houston," which is a weird thing to say.  The article I read says that his prior persona was Americana music, but that now he has switched over to rap.  Here's that one track - "BID BAD WOLF/SOBER" with 54k streams.

The track starts as straight rap - makes me think of a Brockhampton track - confessional and intense, over a hard beat - and then it becomes a singing/yelling thing, before it fully shifts into a pretty R&B tune.  I like the rap portion.  Less sold on the R&B half.  Doubt I'll go see this based on this single song...

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