Thursday, July 11, 2019

Flora Cash

One Liner: Quietly generic dream pop with that one "You're Somebody Else" hit. 
Wikipedia Genre: Alt pop, indie folk, dream pop, folk
Home: Stockholm and Minneapolis

Poster Position: 15

Both Weekends.

Thoughts:  I kind of like it when there is a new band I've never heard of, but then their one hit song is the first thing I hear and I can be like "oh yeah, this is that something something on the surface song that they play on alternative rock radio all the time!"  However, in this instance, I don't like that song, and the rest of their tunes are likewise not great.  Here is "You're Somebody Else," which is #1, #4 (acoustic), and #5 (electro remix) on their top ten list of songs.  Main version has 45.5 million streams.
I mean, it isn't a horrible song or anything, but definitely I change the station when it comes on in the car.  But others disagree, as the song reached the Top 10 on both Billboard's Alternative Songs and Adult Alternative Songs airplay charts and later reached number one, on both the Mediabase Adult Alternative and Alternative radio formats.  That YouTube lyric video has more than 47 million views.

The rest of their songs have a very similar sound - quiet indie pop.

The duo are actually married, and they met on Soundcloud, of all places.  I have never joined Soundcloud, so I don't even really understand how that is a possibility, to meet and marry someone through the website where I sometimes hear underground hip hop beats, but I guess it is possible.  They first met in person in Minneapolis, and then moved to Sweden to make their sweet tunes.

Two albums, 2016's Can Summer Last Forever? and the ironic follow up with 2017's Nothing Lasts Forever (And It's Fine).  Huh, and that big hit is not on either album?  Ah, no, it came out on a single in 2018, so it's not as old as I thought...  I guess it makes sense to have them here for this year's fest before they disappear from the musical landscape.  No other song breaks the 10 million stream threshhold, but one from the new album gets up to 7.7 million streams for second place.  This is "Sadness is Taking Over."
I guess these songs have a beauty to them - if I'm just thinking about what I am hearing, this is very pretty.  But it is also very boring to me and sadness is not taking over me, so I don't want to hear this maudlin BS.  Kind of a Lana Del Rey bummer pop vibe.

No thanks.

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