Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bea Miller

One Liner:  Forgettable pop with indie pop girl voice
Wikipedia Genre:  Pop, pop rock, electro
Home: New Jersey

Poster Position: 11

Both Weekends.

Thoughts: Random story to kick this one off.  I started listening to the music with no clue who this is - just another female pop singer who uses that pop singer voice heavy on a kind of whiny, nasal affect - and then the track "Fire N Gold" popped up.  Hey, I own that song!  When I look at the very few tracks on my iPhone that I actually purchased from the Apple store, it is pretty much that single, a Taylor Swift album, the terrible new Jay-Z album, and a Shawn Mendes album.  The majority of those were purchased because my middle kid thought it would be fun to use one of my old school iPods for camp last summer, and beforehand she asked me to load it with songs.  Well, the majority of my music is not in her wheelhouse at all (although you are damn right that I tried sneaking some stuff in there to teach her a few things about good music), so she pleaded and cajoled for a few things that she really wanted, and that one Bea Miller single was one of the tracks that she wanted more than anything else.  Weird, right?  It's her second-most streamed tune at 54.5 million streams - and I still have no clue how my kid even knew about it.
Its not EDM, but it has that sort of structure, with the buildup and drop.  Just uses a generic guitar lick and drum machine instead of the dubstep electronics.  Also, I feel like she is screaming at me.  Freaking relax, man.  I do not like that video at all - everyone is trying way to hard to appear like they are having fun, except for Bea, who appears to be in genuine pain half of the time.  She also may have been like 15 in that video.

Miller was on one of the American Idol clone shows - X Factor - and came in 9th place.  This was in 2012, and the list of songs she performed on that show make me understand why I never watched that show.  Hearing aspiring artists sing Goo Goo Dolls and Jason Mraz sounds like hell on earth.  She was later named Radio Disney's Next Big Thing in 2015, and won the 2015 Radio Disney Music Awards award for Best Song to Rock Out to With Your BFF (and no, I am not making that shit up).  Let's see how that one works for rocking out to with your BFF, shall we?
YES!  WHERE IS MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER?!  I NEED TO ROCK OUT WITH HIM IMMEDIATELY!!!  Not a bad track - just a relatively generic power anthem, and being that I had never heard it before just now, it left little mark on the popular music world.  The track isn't even in her top ten on Spotify.  Oh, and it was called "Young Blood" and has 25.1 million streams.

Her top song on Spotify isn't actually her song, it is by an EDM group called NOTD and she is the hook singer girl.  Meh.  Her most recent album is from 2018, called aurora, and has a creepy photo of her in a bathtub full of something milky with fake flowers floating in the liquid.  It has her top track, "like that," with 69.1 million streams.
Again with the faces of pain - why does she need to grimace as she sings in her videos?  Also, seems a little dangerous to just stand up inside of your car while driving - maybe pull over if your song has you so angry that you need to just stand up and grimace/sing some stuff.  Also, someone is going to run over that little Pottery Barn bowl you tossed in the street, Bea.  Its just rude.  I don't care how rude your ex-boyfriend was, we all have to live here.

Her tunes aren't horrible or anything - she obviously has a great voice and a pretty face and all of that - I just won't remember a thing I've heard today by next week.  Forgettable pop.  No thanks.  (of course, I'll probably end up having to go to the show the second weekend when I'm taking my girls to go see Eilish...)

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