Monday, August 19, 2019

Diamante Electrico

One Liner:  Awesome rock dudes singing something groovy in Spanish
Wikipedia Genre:  Blues rock, Punk blues, Garage rock
Home: Bogota, Columbia

Poster Position: 23

Both Weekends.

Thoughts: Hey, cool.  They don't have an English wikipedia page, but they had one in Spanish that google translated for me.  Kind of neato.  Especially since, instead of the normal "genres" that Wikipedia provides about bands over on the right hand side, this has "Genders" that the band plays in.  ;)  Also, the name means Electric Diamond!  And they have "been special guests of the Foo fighters concert and opening actresses for The Rolling Stones" [sic, obviously].  Three Latin Grammys under their belt, which is pretty solid.

The band is three dudes - bassist/singer, guitarist, and drummer - and they make some power trio rock and roll.  And honestly, although I usually dismiss the Spanish language tunes right away, this is freaking good music. I only wish I could understand the lyrics, because the tunes themselves are rock and roll timeless thump and swagger.  The long, fuzzed out solo freakout of "Hump Sagrado" is some classic Black Keys shit.  Some funky, groovy, blues rock stuff that could be right at home in the US - some Jack White flavors - shit, their third most popular track features ZZ Top's Billy Gibbons, which is rad as hell.  Some of the guitar licks and tone on their most recent album sounds like John Mayer.  The guitars on "Placebo" are more like Zeppelin or White Stripes.  And I'm here for it.

When they sing the title of "Buitres," I thought they were singing "WHEAT THINS!"  I wish it was actually a song about wheat thins, I love those little suckers.  But that word actually means "vultures," so I suppose the point of that song is very different than an ode to crackers that go well with soft cheese.

Their top track by streams is that single that features Billy Gibbons.  This is "Dias Raros," with 1.7 million streams.
Yeah, buddy.  Then their current most popular track on Spotify is one of those from the new album that makes me think of John Mayer's guitarwork - this is "Oro," with 524k streams.
Catchy pop stuff - less of the fuzzy rock and roll blast as on their older albums, and more of a well-calculated, shiny pop rock track.  I don't like it quite as much, but I still like it.

Surprisingly considering going to see a Spanish language act at ACL.  Huh.  Solid stuff.  Even if I have no clue what they are saying, I can dig the groove, and the thump, and tell you with authority that this sounds badass.

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