Friday, June 21, 2019


One Liner: Gary Clark Jr. making good beats w/ two local Austin rappers spitting legit rhymes.
Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, but hip hop and rap.
Home: Austin, Texas

Poster Position: 21

Weekend Two Only.

Thoughts:  Hold up.  I had never heard of this before (not surprising, since this group has like 12 total songs), but this is a local Austin group doing rap featuring Gary Clark Jr. (!!!) plus local rappers Zeale (Valin Zamarron) and Phrachyze (J.J. Shaw).  The guys were apparently friends at Austin High years ago (LOYAL FOREVER, FOOL!).  This article says that "Zeale and Phranchyze have been performing together since they were teenagers."  Clark apparently adds in hooks and guitar and production.  That sounds very fun.  This article explains that Clark had been making beats on his own, apparently just for fun, and then played some of them for his old buddy Zamarron.  So, I suppose we can expect to see Clark take the stage behind them for this show, since he'll be at the Festival for his big set as well.

No real albums, just some singles and live tracks.  This is their only official video (and one of my favorite tracks of theirs) -  "Juice It Up."

First, that beat is freaking good.  Second, the advertisement for local juice shop Daily Juice, in a song that repeatedly says juice it up, is greatness.  Third, is the dude blowing smoke at 1:55 Remi Malek with a crap mustache?  Fourth, I like the Friday-esque Smokey character who wants his money.  Lots to like in that clip.  And it is their most recent release, in 2019, so that bodes well for their current sound.

Their top clip is "6 Ringz," which uses the Crying Jordan photo for the single cover, and is a little more ominous sounding.  10,509 streams.

"bout to fade away like Lebron hair" is classic.  The beat is definitely not as good as "Juice It Up," but its still a good track.  Both of the rappers do a good job of creating funny bits and keeping their lyrics clear so that an old man can understand the jokes.

I'mma give you one more, a live track from some Jam in the Van Experience thing, probably from SXSW.  "Bonaduce."

I guess we are talking about the guy who was on the Partridge Family back in the day?  I'm not sure why?  That song is not as good as the others.  Also, no Gary Clark featured on any of these tracks - he might just be discussed as being "part of" the band to get them noticed, and then he never actually does anything with the group?

I don't know, I'd go watch this.  My worry is that they'll be relegated to the 11 am on Sunday type slot, which would lead me to skipping it, but if they're in an afternoon slot, I'd give it a shot.

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