Monday, June 17, 2019

Kady Rain

One Liner: Local pop music following a Kesha and Katy Perry blueprint
Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, but this is pop.
Home: Austin, Texas

Poster Position: 21

Weekend Two Only.

Thoughts:  I read an article the other day that discussed Ms. Rain, saying that Austin pop music is totally ignored in favor of the rock scene (and to some extent, the burgeoning rap scene).  Rain was one of their examples of someone making legit pop music, but being totally ignored.

No full album, just eight singles.  Most of them have stream counts down in the four figures, but one has almost 200k streams.  This one will definitely give you the Kesha vibes - "R.A.D. Moves," with 179k streams.
That light strummed guitar, then the bass popping and simple drum track, kind of in the wheelhouse of Katy Perry's song about "Last Friday Night."  I mean, that is a legit pop banger.  I don't much care for pop music in general, but I don't know what else you look for in a party song that you don't get in that track.  Danceable, singalong woah-ooh-ooohhs, catchy chorus.  Sure.  But its been out there in the wild for more than a year, with no traction, so the world is still sleeping on it.

Her website says she is on a mission to put Austin on the map as a pop metropolis.  I don't know about how that is going to work out, but she certainly seems to be making her own case for pop stardom.  Her most recent single is from 2018 (so no recent music available on Spotify) and it has a pretty similar sound, just going xylophone effects over dance beat, but still calling forth Kesha with a "that's just who we are" line and a kind of sneering vocal quality.
Only 3,231 streams for that track, so its not gaining the same traction as that earlier tune. 

I'm happy to hear more diversity in the local music scene - I personally hope she kicks ass and turns into a mega star who continues to rep Austin.  But as for seeing the show?  Not so sure I'll go, but if she is up against something bad, then sure, I'd go try it out.

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