Sunday, December 28, 2014

Top Albums of 2014 (Grantland)

1.  The War on Drugs - Lost in the Dream.  Again with this same album.  Officially the album of the year to love if you want indie street cred.  I agree it was good, although after about 10 listens now, I think this may be more David Gray than Ryan Adams.  Either way, it is a really nice album.

2.  Against Me! - Transgender Dysphoria Blues.  I gave this one a few shots but just don't remember feeling it.  Hyden calls it primal, but I don't recall that feeling.  I think these dudes got loads of attention because their lead singer changed gender this year or last year, and while I don't dislike this music, I'm not that interested.  Saw them at SXSW this last year and felt the same way - good but not great.  Here is the video for "Black Me Out."

3.   Strand of Oaks - Heal.  Never heard of this band in my life.  Hyden calls it "full-on, heart-on-sleeve vision-quest rock in the style of Showalter’s beloved Smashing Pumpkins."  Uh, as mentioned recently, I love the Pumpkins, and I don't think this sounds much like them at all.  Maybe the new stuff after Mellon Collie, but I don't think so.  This album is interesting, but top 3 of the year?  To each his own, right?

4.   Sturgill Simpson - Metamodern Sounds in Country Music.  I agree, this album is awesome.

5.   YG - My Krazy Life.  Hyden calls it the "most cohesive album I heard in any genre this year." Wow.  It is good, and has some great high moments, but I doubt anyone will remember it much by next year.  The big hit "My Hitta" (the radio name) is a good head-bobber, but its not going to change the world of hip hop by any means.

6.   Cymbals Eat Guitars - LOSE.  "the year’s most gloriously grandiose indie-rock record"  You know what?  Good call, buddy.  The first few songs on this album rock.  Kick ass rock verging on the edge of punk. Then it slows down and has some weird-out slow jams that are less appealing.  But cool album anyway.

7.   D'Angelo and the Vanguard - Black Messiah.  Funky and weird like an old Prince jam complete with guitar solo freakouts and little Prince-esque squeaks of ecstasy.  I fully expected to be underwhelmed by this, but instead, I just found myself bobbing my head and bouncing along with the groove.  Fun stuff right here.

8.   Lykke Li - I Never Learn "When Swedish pop singers cry, even the tears come out looking perfectly crafted."  Yeah, this is a really pretty album - she's got a great voice.  But I doubt I would ever listen to it again after the three chances I just gave it.

9.   Restorations - LP3.  Where did this one come from?  These guys are awesome.  In the Gaslight Anthem vein of music - driving, heavy heartland rock.  I like this album a lot.

10.   Tinariwen - Emmaar.  "sounds like the desert: vast, indefatigable, serene, and quietly lethal."  I am no world music scholar, and thus had never heard of this one either.  Not sure what the language is, but the guitar licks are tight and the arrangements are interesting.  

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