The Official ACL Blog for like Eight People!
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I've convinced the wife that we are going to be the White Stripes for an upcoming costume party that requires rock and roll costumes. She is, unfortunately, not as in to the Stripes as I am, so I am providing her with the following primer on Meg White's role in the world. The White Stripes came from Detroit and kicked in right about the time of the rest of the garage rock, lo-fi revival scene of the early oughts. They have a great bluesy rock sound and kind of kicked ass. Darling, you are probably not a fan of most of their music, as it involves a lot of Jack White torturing his guitar to make otherworldly and awesome sounds. You have likely asked me to stop playing their music before. Anyway, these two married each other in 1996 (when Jack actually took her last name, dropping his own, Gillis), and formed the band soon thereafter. But they had a weird thing where they told people that they were brother and sister. No clue why they did that, but they were actually married. Weird. Here is "I Can Tell that We are Gonna Be Friends:"
Check out how well she lies there on the couch. If you need to pass out at the party next week, we can just reference this video and be set. Red cowboy shirt and white pants. This was off of their 2001 album, White Blood Cells, and you may remember it from the opening credits to Napoleon Dynamite. Another popular tune from that album is "Hotel Yorba."
Rocking a red and black dress in that one, and she moves some as well. Drum that box! Their next album was huge, and amazing, and was called Elephant. "Seven Nation Army," "Ball and Biscuit," and "The Hardest Button to Button" are all amazing. Oh, and "Little Acorns." And kind of the rest of the whole album. Here is the biggest hit of their entire career, "Seven Nation Army"
That video is puke mode. Looks like Meg is rocking white shirt and red pants, and maybe a red dress shirt too, in that video. Rock and roll. After Elephant, they released Get Behind Me Satan, and "Blue Orchid" was the big hit off of that album.
Meg rocks a black and red striped clown pirate woman outfit from the old west in that video. Although I bet Amazon sells Whorehouse Pirate Clown Sexy in their costume store, let's not try to go there. Next album was 2007's Icky Thump. "Icky Thump," "Conquest," and "Little Cream Soda" all jam. Here is "Conquest."
They wear fo-real, and very expensive looking, matador costumes for this one, so I think we'll stick to the old school outfits for the costume. After this album, they sadly broke up and Jack White continued to shred on his own and with other bands, but I don't think Meg has done anything musical since. But, now you have the basic arc of the Meg White experience.
Okay, this is awesome. I especially like the part where I can pass out and still be in character. Thanks for the background info. I definitely like some of their music. Too bad Jack had to go and get cray. Don't get any ideas!
Okay, this is awesome. I especially like the part where I can pass out and still be in character. Thanks for the background info. I definitely like some of their music. Too bad Jack had to go and get cray. Don't get any ideas!
This is the best blog post ever.
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