Wednesday, September 15, 2021


One Liner: Horrific Nashville country.  Just the worst thing on the whole poster.

Wikipedia Genre: Country
Home: Please don't make me find out anything about him

Poster Position: Late Addition
Weekend One Only.
Sunday at 5:30pm on the BMI Stage.

Thoughts: I thought that the Tenille Arts stuff I just listened to was going to be the bad Nashville Country penance I had to pay for some reason, but this is fucking godawful.  The top track is one of those horrific country songs that is almost like a nursery rhyme, where as you listen your brain atrophies and your anger swells until you might just die of a heart attack if you have to keep listening.  My lips are curled back in rage/disgust right now.

"ONE BEER" is that song.  For some reason, 114.8 millions streams.
Yeah!  If you're having a baby you should get shitfaced!  (and yes, I know this could be seen as a deeper corollary about how one beer turns into a family, and how that is special, but I guarantee the people in the audience screaming about drinking a case of beer don't get that).  God it's awful.  And I'm sorry, the second song started playing and I had to stop it.  I can't put my head through this shit.  "Rednecker" here somehow has 49.8 million streams
If Kid Rock and, uh, Toby Keith? made a bastard baby, this garbage is the horrific nightmare that would squeeze out of them.  If this is your thing, hope you enjoy suffering through it.  I'm feeling deeply traumatized right now that this is on the ACL poster.  What is happening.  I know they had some trouble with artists this year, but have we really gone this low?

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