Friday, September 10, 2021

Jessie Murph

One Liner: Generic pop singer voice girl
Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, pop
Home: Alabama

Poster Position: 20
Both Weekends
Sunday at 1pm on the Lady Bird Stage.

Thoughts: Pretty rare for me to do this, but I just had an instant visceral reaction of hate for this one.  The second that her voice started to work on the Pop Starlet Voice(tm) lesson that she is going for her, my stomach turned and I knew this was not going to be my jam.  Luckily for me, only three songs to slog through with her nasally smearing her words together before I could move on.  You should too.

She's 16.  She grew up in a small conservative town.  She likes TikTok.  In July, she said this: "I've never even been to a concert before let alone actually performed at one, so my first ever concert experience is going to be my own which is wild!"  Man, really makes it sounds exciting to see her perform!

In case you feel the need, her top streamer is "Upgrade," with just over 8 million streams.
While I do grin when she sings that they are going to have some ugly ass babies, its the vocal tone that she uses here that makes me insane.  it just sounds so contrived and fake.  My daughter used to sound like this sometimes when she sang, because she was trying to copy other generic pop stars of the moment.  Ugh.


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