Monday, May 20, 2019


One Liner:  Low rent version of LCD Soundsystem
Wikipedia Genre: No wikipedia, but indie pop seems like the genre?
Home: Utah (now in LA)

Poster Position: 22

Weekend Two Only

Thoughts: Kind of an LCD Soundsystem/ old, quirky Beck vibe coming to me at first blush.  Check out the second-most streamed tune, from his 2019 album Sego Sucks, called "Give Me."  59k streams.
Those old people are grooving, and that main guy up front is going to be working out some other muscles tonight, if you know what I mean.  And I think you do.  When I was in college, a friend hooked me up with a class where we went to an old folks home and helped people "exercise," although as I recall it we just like took a very shitty bowling set for toddlers over there and let the old people roll the ball and then set everything back up for the next person.  God, how embarrassing.  I bet they were cracking up behind our backs - thinking we were doing something useful when really we were just doing a horribly shitty bare minimum effort.  Anyhoo - this is the track that sounds like low rent LCD Soundsystem.  Same with "Neon Me Out."  I like "Neon Me Out."

Sego does not appear to have a Wikipedia page, but that name may refer to several things such as a Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile, a type of lily, a ghost town in Utah, a diet drink that was discontinued by Pet Milk in 1961, or a 2007 French Socialist presidential candidate.  According to an article about the band, the name of the band is from one of those items - the Sego lily, which is the state flower of Utah.

Also, I swear I didn't read this article before I wrote the stuff above, but this article in the Salt Lake Tribune says that the lead singer's vocal style has been compared to "Beck, Cake's John McCrea, and LCD' Soundsystem's James Murphy."  Boom!  I can hear things!  The article also notes that the band apparently blew up in Austin for SXSW, playing nine shows in four days.

Three albums, with 2015's Long Long Way From the Fringe, 2016's Once Was Lost Now Just Hanging Around, and then 2019's Sego Sucks, which was apparently named in reference to a mean tweet about the band.  Their top streamer also comes from the new album - this is "Shame," with 161k streams.
He has a Samples shirt!!!  I loved the Samples when I was in high school!  This is the Beck-ish shit, the plain-spoken vocals.  Also kind of reminds me of that Superorganism band - pretty awesome actually.  That song also reminds me of that band that makes crazy Rube Goldberg videos - OK Go.

The older stuff, which was recorded before they added in two more members to the band, is even more LCD-ish, the opening track on the 2016 album even uses cowbell in a way that sounds just like LCD.  Actually, the old stuff kinda really does suck.  I like the stuff on the Sucks album better than the prior music.  Listening to "Day Job" right now and its semi-unlistenable.  The only track with any appreciable number of plays from those old two albums is called "Wicket Youth," from the 2016 album.  253k streams.
Yeah, this one sounds more like the new stuff - they found a new direction in this song and then turned that into a new sound for the whole next album.  Still though, most of this old music is bad stuff.

I'd go check this out.  It doesn't quench every thirst I have in a band, but there are enough interesting pieces here that I'd be willing to go check it out and see what happens.

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