Thursday, May 9, 2019


One Liner:  Chillwave electronic perfect for your next Abercrombie shopping excursion.
Wikipedia Genre: no wikipedia, but chillwave, electronic, hip-hop/funk/soul/groove stuff
Home: New Jersey

Poster Position: 18

Weekend Two Only

Thoughts: I feel like I stepped into a hole where all of the music is chilly electronic groove.  Have I fallen asleep at the W's pool, and all my dreams are of blogging and working while listening to smartly cool electronic music?

There is a Serbian band called Flamingosi, but Wikipedia doesn't know about this guy.  Also, because this guy's bandcamp page is "flamingosis1," someone else had already taken this name but he just kept right on with it.  According to his website, the name Flamingosis comes from "a free-style frisbee move that his father invented."  That is freaking weird, but you know, whatever tosses your whammo!  HIs website also says that he was influenced by Flying Lotus and J Dilla as well as vintage funk and disco music.

Four albums, which I will admit surprised me after I started listening, figuring this to be the kind of guy who just had a handful of singles and then appeared on the Starbucks Iced Chillwave compilation.  2016's Kahunastyle, 2016's Pleasure Palette, 2016's Bright Moments, and 2016's To the Heir.  Uh, that is a really prolific year.  I wonder if maybe Spotify has those dates wrong...

His three top songs are all from Pleasure Palette, so I guess that is his most popular album as well.  None of the songs from To the Heir appear in his top ten most popular, and I would agree with that assessment, that album flashes a few good bits and a lot of filler.  Top track is "Football Head," with just over 5 million streams.
From reading the comments, this song, or that cartoon character, is either something to smoke weed to or causes people to die.  Not sure the correlation, just reporting the news here.  And I guess part of the song, or something like the song, reminds everyone of the Arnold cartoon?  And I'm old.  Never watched that cartoon and it holds no emotional attachment to me, but apparently it is capital "I" Important to some people?  I'd like to also note that someone made a mix of this song on YouTube that is just a whole freaking hour of the song looping.  Good track, but I think you'd die if you hear it for an hour straight.  It'll be like a slo-mo version of the bad guys in Raiders of the Lost Ark, you just slowly melt into a puddle.

Second and third most streamed are also from the same album, so I'll give you fourth place from the Bright Moments album.  This is "Flight of the Flamingo," shockingly from 2016, with 2.4 million streams.
Another perfectly nice electronic chill piece.  

Pretty nice stuff to hang out with and just do work or, I guess watch Arnold and smoke dope?  Doesn't do much for me personally, but I also hate shopping in malls and can't stand cologne, so this isn't my demographic.  More power to you if you want to go get stoned and vibe out with the flamingo man.

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