Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Teskey Brothers

One Liner: Complete incongruity between their look and sound channeling Otis Redding-style soul

Wikipedia Genre: Blues rock, soul, gospel, Aussie rock
Home: Melbourne

Poster Position: Level 3 (10) 
Both Weekends.

Thoughts:  Huh.  Look at their Spotify picture and tell me what these dudes are about to play?
Bro country?  Sure.  Soft folky stuff?  Yeah, okay.  Southern-fried rock and roll?  Right on.  Any of those sound realistic.  And then the first song kicks in and I'm somehow listening to, like, Sam Cooke or Otis Redding or something.  And then you read about them a little bit, and they're freaking from Australia!  What is happening!?!?!

They are at least legitimately brothers, so its not like everything here is a lie.  Josh handles vocals and rhythm guitar, while Sam plays lead guitar.  They formed with some other guys on bass and drums, and have steadily gotten bigger back home.  Won several ARIA music awards.  WIkipedia says they play in the style of Wilson Pickett and Otis Redding.  Fascinating.  Two mid-30's dudes out here biting the style of 60 years ago.

Wait, I've heard one of these songs before.  Sounds like some classic they are covering, but this is apparently theirs.  I have definitely heard this somewhere before.  From their second album, Run Home Slow, this is "So Caught Up" with 35.4 million streams.
So good!  This stuff is super enjoyable!  I still can't believe these are 30-something Aussies cranking that music out!  Some of these songs also remind me of some more recent artists who I can't recall - someone who they play on the KUTX/Sun Radio type stations that has this sort of soulful wailing.  That one above was the second most streamed tune.  Their top streamer is from their debut album, 2018's Half Mile Harvest.  "Pain and Misery," with 38.2 million streams.
Pre-long hair bro-ness in that video.  But, again, how strange to hear those sounds coming out of the mouths and fingers of some Aussie white boys?  Lovely song.  I've just let this band roll for two days of work, and it is really pleasant stuff to just let it roll over me.  I get the feeling that a live show of this would knock your socks off.

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