Sunday, June 10, 2018

Mt. Joy

One Liner: Pleasantly anonymous indie rock with good lyrics
Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia (unless this band is actually a town in Pennsylvania or Ohio).  I'll say Indie Rock.
Home:  L.A.

Poster Position: 14

Day: Sunday at 1:00
Both Weekends.

Thoughts: More kinda chilled, shaggy, happy, folky indie rock.  This year's poster seems to be heavy with those types, or else I'm just in a zone of them.  I like these tunes though, don't get me wrong, I've just been letting these dudes jam in my office all day.  Only one album, 2018's Mt. Joy, with a handful of singles popped out before then.

The top track is called "Sheep," and has about 12 million streams.
Great tune with a good message.  Cool video shot in Austin that feels a little close to home in more ways than one.  I too am about ready to throw my phone into the concrete in reaction to the news cycle.  But the message of the tune is more chill than that.  Cut it up, its still the red, white, and blue, baby.

For the most part, I like all of their songs, although I can't say that I love "Astrovan," which is kind of a goofy song about Jesus driving an Astrovan.  Chorus chunk: "You know, Jesus drives an Astrovan, Yes, he does (I say: whoo)."  Whoo indeed.  And yet that track is somehow their third most heard.  But I'm going to give you their second-most instead, here is "Silver Lining."
"my brother, let the hard stuff be..."  Nothing like a bro trip to get a smile back on your face.  Another good song, a little platitude-y, but solid.

This band is pleasant and skilled at their craft.  I more than likely won't remember them at all in about two days, but they're good enough to consider giving a shot in the Fall.

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