Tuesday, June 25, 2019


One Liner: Hell yes, fellas, bring me all the Royal Blood crunch.
Wikipedia Genre: Indie rock, blues rock, stoner rock, alternative rock, alternative metal (this list feels a little aspirational for a band with only like 10 songs)
Home: Coburg, Ontario

Poster Position: 26

Weekend One Only.

Thoughts:  Their entire Spotify bio is "fuck whatever you think rock is. its different now."  Which is so HARDCORE.  And DEEP!  These guys really get it, and are going in such an original direction!  (as they make music that sounds exactly like Royal Blood).

I joke about it, when I actually really like their top single a lot.  It sounds a lot like Royal Blood, who I dig very much, and full on jams.  This is "hometown," which already has 21.3 million streams.
I love how stupid those dudes look trying to wrestle or dance or whatever they are doing in the grass in front of the water tower.  Dorks.  Also, the non-singer looks like he is 12.  But for real, why do they think this isn't what I expect from rock and roll?  Freaking Canadians.  This is exactly what I expect from rock and roll, and I literally just turned it up a little more than I should probably do in my office.

How are these guys only playing weekend one?  This stuff freaking rules.  I just paused what I was doing during "sanjake" to bite my lip and tell my empty office "oooh hell yeah, biaaatch."
Not only a righteous song, but the lyrics are also good stuff.  Watch the video for a weird experience of reading the lyrics (sort of) as they text them during the song (sort of).  That is their most recent song (2019) and its going in the right direction.

The two guys in the band are childhood friends from Ontario, and their Wikipedia says that they "began getting interested in music around age 8 when they first listened to AC/DC."  Which is awesome.  If my eight year old ever has a musician bio like this, it will say that she first got into music at age 6 when her foolish father thought it would be funny to let her hear Eddie Murphy's "Boogie in your Butt" and AC/DC's "Big Balls" on a road trip.  True story.  She still loves to very purposefully sing the words to "Big Balls" when we are with other parents.  "it's my belief that my big balls should be held every night" is a neat line.

Of note, their names are not Cleo or Patrick.  Instead, they are Ian Fraser and Luke Gruntz.  I wish they were called Gruntz instead.  Most of their single covers are photos, I assume of them, as children, with their eyes blacked out or scratched out.  Which is weird.

One more tune, just to make sure you get the gist (which I think you do).  "bernard trigger" is their second-most-streamed at 3.2 million.
I really want for there to be a Tiny Desk of this where they thrash the shit out of that little library area.  No such luck.  I did watch a live version of some of their songs, and while I thought maybe the singer would be playing a bass (the way the Royal Blood guys do to get that sound) he is playing a Gibson six-string and the other guy is on the drums.

Hell yes.  Sign me up.  I'll get up early to see this one.

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