Real Estate - The Main Thing. I loved their 2014 album Atlas - they either came to ACL right around then or soon thereafter, and so I went and saw them play and loved them live. Very chill rock heavy on harmonies and a relaxed sound. "Talking Backwards" is a beaut. But this album hasn't been able to catch on in my mind - every time it comes on I feel bored and wish it was over. Which is a sucky thing to say, but its the truth. It's just under an hour, but it sure feels a lot longer than that. Sometimes it kicks into a Grateful Dead vibe, such as the noodling during "Also a But". Other times, more of a yacht rock thing ("Paper Cup").
Grip - Snubnose. No recollection where I found this one, but its actually very solid. Flows like Kendrick Lamar with great story-telling flow, and as far as I can tell, the whole album circles around his pistol. "Snub Speaks" is a short song, but has a laid back, cool beat fronted by the gun bragging about how he's handled his shit in the past and ready to go again. The stories aren't linear - this isn't Good Kid, but each one tells a story and does a kick ass job of putting you in the place. A dark place full of violence and fear. The final track is great - good beat, good flow, sad story. The album opener, "He is ... I am" is the top track at 672k streams.
Megan Thee Stallion - Suga. This gal is having a huge year - makes me even more annoyed that she missed her show at ACL last year so that we could have tasted the greatness before it became a huge deal. She just had a writeup in Rolling Stone that made her seem funny and interesting - she's still fighting to stay in college and finish a degree, despite having major shows booked all over the place now. So, this new album is short - only 24 minutes and 9 songs - but it keeps the same fire as her last disc (Fever). Lots of that "aaaaaahhggghhhh" sound, as though she is opening her mouth wide, poking out her tongue, and getting your attention. The cover of the album looks like that sound sounds. I wrote something the other day about her Tupac homage "B.I.T.C.H.," which is pretty cool (and very catchy). It actually owns her streaming crown right now at 20.5 million, but "Savage" is the hotter track right now, so I'll give you that one. just over 11 million streams.
Childish Gambino - 3.15.20. Gambino dropped a new album out of no where, right in the midst of the Coronavirus mess, and it feels like this was a set of demos he was working on and then just impulsively decided to launch them into the world. He didn't even name all the tracks. This has some of the same vibe as those loose singles he released last year, in fact, one of them is still on here, but instead of being called "Feels Like Summer," its now just called "42.26" for some reason. "19.10" has a Prince vibe going on. I haven't cared for Gambino's music for a while, and this one can just go back into the pile with the rest of his weird attempts to meld funk with rap and soul and R&B. Here is "12.38," which is winning on streams at just over 2 million.
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