Saturday, July 28, 2018

Harry Paradise

One Liner: Forgettable electronic guy from Austin that even ACL doesn't seem to care about.
Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia.  Electronic.
Home: Austin

Poster Position: 24

Day: Saturday at 12:45
Weekend Two Only.

Thoughts:  Amazing name.  I mean, I know its spelled like the first name, but if you say this name and don't immediately think of a massive 70's afro-mega-bush, then you have somehow grown up while still finding a reason to read my writing.    That Venn diagram touches so very slightly you would almost imagine no one could survive in there.  Congratulations.  NOW TAKE ME TO HARRY PARADISE, BABY!

If you ever start to think that the ACL people don't have a sense of humor, just remember they put Harry Paradise on the same poster line as Sailor Poon.  (and Naked Giant on the same line as The Nude Party.)  These guys know all about the vagina jokes, man.  I'm gonna eat a bunch of drugs and just run around the stage for Hairy Poonman in Paradise screaming my own version of Soundgarden's "Spoonman" mashed with GNR's "Paradise City" until security is forced to realize my brilliance and give me the 10:45 slot on Sunday morning.

Anyhoo, I digress.  And truth be told I will not go see this guy do his musical stylings.  And I kind of doubt anyone will.  He has 4 total songs on Spotify, and one has less than a thousand streams.  The Kiddie Limits guys do better numbers.  Even the ACL folks don't give a shit about this guy - look at his bio available on their website.  This musician makes music.  Gee!  Thanks!

His most streamed song is called "Joan," and maxes out at a robust 3,390 streams.
I mean, good for this guy, he's going to take the stage at freaking ACL, and I'm just some keyboard cowboy pud sitting here talking about music, but this is super forgettable stuff.  Sounds like a movie star tried to make music on the side.  Like this is a song that Ryan Gosling wrote while in character for his role in Song to Song, and then he went ahead and cut the track after filming the movie.  I'm not making any sense, but try the song and see for yourself.

253 views of that video on YouTube, and no other videos to be seen.  You get the idea.  If you need a comfortable stage for a nap while at ACL, there will be a significant amount of grass available in front of this show.

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