Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Q Brothers (2015)

Oh yeah, they're back again!  One of the worst things I remember watching in preparation for last year's festival!  Here are my thoughts from last year.

Not much has changed about my opinion since then.  Despite the fact that they have a song on their album (2006's The Feel Good Album of the Year) entitled "Mad About Saffron," I'm still not going to tell you that this is good stuff.  Sadly, that song is not about the spice that makes paella good, but is about their niece.  Here is a new video I didn't make fun of last year.
Orange is the New Black meets Shakespeare meets hip hop!  He just said that this made him feel like Johnny Cash.  Oy.  And here is a four year old rip off of the Beasties.
Oh man.  Seriously, listen to that whole thing. A couple of times.  This is your brain on Q Brothers.

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