Thursday, August 17, 2017

Rainbow Kitten Surprise

One Liner: One of the worst names in rock makes great rock like old Kings of Leon
Wikipedia Genre: No description of genre on Wikipedia, I'm going with Alternative Rock.
Spotify Says Similar To: Hippo Campus and The Greeting Committee
Home: North Carolina

Poster Position: 12

Slot: ?

Thoughts: I mean, their name is just terrible.  It truly is.  An early leader in the clubhouse for worst band name to recommend to a friend.  Unless that friend is an eight year old girl, in which case, she is probably instantly a big fan.  Until she hears the music and realizes it is a Kings of Leon-esque blues rock band (only thinking the first two KOL albums here) and not a Katy Perry-fronted band of My Little Pony cartoons.  Weak name aside, the music behind that weak name is great.  If you were a fan of the early Kings of Leon, you could very easily get confused after a few songs into believing that you are listening to an unheard, old KOL album.  The vocals match, the underlying tunes match (especially the guitar part), it really clicks to that comparison.

Amazingly, if you had found these guys before now, you could have potentially spent $300 to back their new album on Kickstarter and then received an in home concert in exchange.  I mean, how amazing would that be?  I know these guys aren't Springsteen or anything, but I sold my Dixie Chicks tickets from last year's show for almost $300 a piece.  To get a show in house with all of your friends for only $300?  Would have been pretty rad.

They've got two albums, 2013's Seven + Mary and 2015's RKS, and the majority of their popular tracks are from that older disc.  The top track from the new album is some prime-time goodness.  "Cocaine Jesus" has just over 5 million streams.  Here is a live (not quite acoustic, but stripped down) version.
That lead singer has got more beard and chest hair than I could grow in a month of Sundays.  Real talk.  He could braid those two suckers together and, well, uh, like severely hurt his neck because he was always looking down and stuff.  Whatever, Richard.  I actually got to meet him at SXSW this last March, after a short show at Weather Up over on the east side.  Seemed very cool, and their show is high energy and very good.  

The top track from the old album is "Devil Like Me," which cranks up just over 10 million streams, which is pretty solid.
I've watched that video before.  Freaking depressing man.  But another really good tune.  I like these guys a lot and will definitely plan on going to see them in the Fall.

1 comment:

Joseph Cathey said...

These guys are awesome...definitely checking them out on Sunday!

But dear god guys, that name...