Wikipedia Genre: Electronic, synth pop
Spotify Says Similar To: Maya Payne, XYLO
Home: Austin
Poster Position: 13
Slot: ?
Thoughts: In a weird coincidence, I listened to the most popular song here, then went and got into the car with the wife to go grab lunch, and that same exact song was playing on the radio when I got in the car. So, to give you reasoning about why I'm calling this annoying, I give you three examples: (1) the song "KDV," in which the chorus, spoken over trap-ish bounce synth beats, just says "Killin' Darth Vader with my motherfucking kick drum" over and over; (2) the top song is about waving your middle fingers in the air; and (3) the most recent single is called "Everybody Gets High" and involves a sing-song tone that sounds like a nursery rhyme. Their Spotify bio says that they are "known for the dark, emotive pop." They have 5 singles, by the way. I'm not sure that anyone with only five singles can be considered "known" for anything. Especially when one of those five songs is a Lana Del Rey cover. EDIT: since I wrote this, they released their full-length album Loner, which adds to the annoyingness with songs like "Kamikazee" that is all about wanting money and power and fame and champagne.
Their top single is that mysteriously named "Middle Fingers," which I'm sure is just about to get heavy play on the radio because it allows everyone to sing an arena-sized hook about throwing your middle fingers in the air. 2.5 million streams.
Recommend? No.
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