Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Unusual Demont

One Liner: Chilled R&B with a good voice.

Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia but an Alternative R&B sort of thing
Home: Wisconsin

Poster Position: 19

Weekend One Only.
Friday at 1:45 on the Miller Lite Stage

Thoughts:  The guy has an exceedingly smooth voice, but I've never much cared for the R&B or alternative R&B worlds.  It's like easy listening for youth who grew up listening to trap music.  He doesn't have a Wikipedia to read, but the one interview I read with him cited Curtis Mayfield and Frank Ocean as his influences.  I've never understood the love for Ocean - I know that it is almost universal among critics, but I just don't care for it.

He says his friends tried to make an Odd Future-type group at one point, which they called Unusual Past.  He decided to keep the "Unusual" part and just tack that on to his name to make his band name.  Also, his grandfather toured with Curtis Mayfield as his drummer.

He only has six songs, and two of those are versions of the same song, so he's not quite on top of the world just yet.  But one of the singles has more than 10 million streams, which is pretty good.  This is "Amber."
Especially on the chorus, the dude has a really nice voice.  Smooth and bright and full.  I guess the tune is pretty catchy, but it just isn't my joint.  His second-most streamed track is "Pine," with 1.5 million streams.

I dig the funkier action underneath that one.  According to the interview I read, he pictured this one based in a roller rink, which makes sense.  Apparently all they could afford for the video shoot was a parking garage though.  He also said it has to do with jealousy, which is colored green, which is why the song is named "Pine."

Doubt I would do this one.  Great voice, not my jam.

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