Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Hunts

Promising single song from these folks.  From their album cover, it looks like a set of twin girls infiltrated a tween boy band, and the whole pack of them decided to break out their violin and mandolin and make a lovely little ditty.  Listen to this and, unless you suck, I bet you'll still be hearing that lilting little tune in your head.

It is in the Head and the Heart/ Lumineers vein, and all we get is the one song for now, but this is a great start.  However, they are up against Spanish Gold, so their crowd will not exist.  I feel bad for them, they are young, and might tear up when they see that their patch of grass in front of the BMI stage is completely empty.  But then they'll see the puddles from melted faces, flowing like a river of pale lava, from the Samsung stage, and they'll understand.  Hope all the best for them - this song is good.

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