Thursday, July 31, 2014

Rey Pila

Some of their songs are in spanish, but they sound like an 80's synth band.  They get rocking here and there, but in general, I'm hearing a good time, seeing legwarmers, tasting Jolt Cola, and wishing that Ally Sheedy would just dance with me!  Most popular song, No Longer Fun, is from their 2010 album, Rey Pila.

It has a TV on the Radio vibe, except that they want you to shout along to the chorus and dance and stuff.  I don't get that feeling when I usually listen to TVOTR.  But it also feels like something Demi Moore's band would have played in Better Off Dead.  Either way, this is their most popular song, with about 30k listens. Second most popular tune is a 2013 single (with Lady in Red on the B-Side!  What?!  Literally, a cover of that terribly awesome song), called Alexander.

They definitely stick with the 80's new wave sound.  And it works - this is a pretty catchy, bouncing pop song.  I may just wander by and check these cats out on my way to Kodaline.

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