Thursday, July 31, 2014

Imelda May

Torchy, jazzy rockabilly with a strong voice.  Her most popular track on Spotify is called Johnny Got a Boom Boom, which is a kind of awesome title regardless of anything else.

She is apparently Irish, which is surprising since her voice doesn't seem to have any accent that I can hear. Her most recent album on Spotify is Mayhem, from 2010, although the internet seems to believe that she put out another (Tribal) in 2014.  Mayhem is more of the same as the above - good rockabilly groove with her powerful voice cranking over the top.

She might be kind of fun to go see play, but luckily for me, she easily comes in third behind Gaslight Anthem or Fitz & the Tantrums on Sunday afternoon, so I'll just have to appreciate her groove from afar. 

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