Thursday, July 31, 2014

James Bay

Pleasant piano rock.  Is that damning praise?  Two EPs, one from 2013 and one from 2014, so his stuff is relatively recent.  Hopefully one of his album covers later down the line does not involve the same drawing of his Smokey the Bear hat with stringy hair and his nose poking out underneath.  I bet he'll come up with something by 2015.  This one is an acoustic only version of his most popular tune - Let It Go (thankfully, not a Disney cover):

Soulful stuff, right?  His second most popular song is from the earlier EP, called When We Were On Fire:

Still wearing the Arby's sign on his head, but again it is pretty soulful and simple.  I like it.  Weird part is that these videos don't sound quite like the studio versions, so it makes my comment that he plays pleasant piano rock sound insane.  Just believe me, his most recent EP is full of piano.  Or go listen for yourself.  After making it through all of his music, I like him.  I wish the dude would go find a kick ass band to front - his voice is strong and expressive.  His stuff is good, but I think he could be fantastic in front of a good band.  I'm going to put him in touch with Guns n Roses.

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