Friday, July 1, 2016

Flight Facilities

One Liner:  Lord have mercy.  Didn't I already listen to the generic electro band for this year?  Why do they have so many streams on Spotify?  When did I get so old?

Poster Position: 13

Thoughts:  Vaguely atmospheric and pretty electo tunes from some Australian dudes.  One real album and then a buttload of singles that have EPs of flipping 6 or 7 remixes.  Which is awful to listen to.  Hearing one song 7 different ways in a sitting will make you confess to a murder you didn't commit.  As one example, their first three songs on the most popular list are all versions of a song called "Crave You." After hearing all three, F this band.

I think that is that video is the original track?  Who the hell knows.  There are eight, maybe ten, versions available on Spotify. Even the album itself has two, much less the single with 8 flipping versions.  And I don't think I like any of them, but to be honest I stopped listening when I started considering a trip to the office liquor cabinet and it is 8:30 in the morning.

Reading their Wikipedia article, I get the feeling that I am just missing out on their amazingness, but I still don't feel like I'm getting it.  I will say, that among the stuff on their one album (2014's Down to Earth), there is one track that I kind of dug, mainly because of the rapping by Bishop Nehru.
And then, not because I think this song is great or anything, here is a video for "Down to Earth" that features Sam Rockwell, giving the "Weapon of Choice" and Walken treatment to a diner.

Not a bad tune, just pretty generic and uninteresting.  Kind of how I feel about the entire package.  No thanks.

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