Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Haelos [no longer coming to ACL]

The band has apparently bowed out of the festival.  ACL even confirmed this to me in a tweet, which means I have truly arrived.

One Liner: Annoyingly spelled electronic pop

Poster Position: 18

Thoughts:  These guys have been a buzzy band for a bit this year, with shows at three of the big four festivals (Coachella, Lollapalooza, and now ACL), although none of these songs sounded familiar to me as I listened today.  And although I don't know how to make the computer type the way their name is spelled, the "A" and the "E" are written as Siamese twins sharing the vertical beam of the E. Ah, I can just cut and paste it: HÆLOS.  So there you have it.

They are a UK trio, with one album of atmospheric electronic pop, 2016's Full Circle.  Their Spotify bio makes a good call likening this music to Moby - "Pray" and "Full Circle" especially have that vibe to me, just with a female vocalist over most of the top.  Few of their tunes crack the half million streams mark, so they aren't nearly as popular as I thought they'd be when I started on them.  Their most listened to track is called "Earth Not Above," and has 978k streams.
Got that funky drummer added in there as well as the Moby synths.  I kind of thought we got past the Moby moment in music back in the mid-90's, right?  Did I miss something?  Now that I have that thought in my head, every single song sounds like Play B-sides.  Their most popular track right now is "Separate Lives," with 714k streams.
Yeah, none of this does much for me.  Not actively bad music at all, but I just don't care for it.  Kind of boring and with a strong sameness about the whole thing.  Then again, I am not the right guy to have a deep knowledge of electronic music.  Doubt I'd go see them play.

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