Wikipedia Genre: Thrash metal, Country, Outlaw Country
Spotify Says Similar To: William Clark Green and Josh Ward
Home: Denton, Texas
Poster Position: 9
Slot: ?
Thoughts: Huh. I was just talking to someone the other day and saying that the ACL folks apparently got all of their country love out in one big splurge last year, since nothing on this lineup is anywhere near the Stapleton/Musgraves/Willie super day from last year. Well, I obviously didn't know about this dude, who is some gravelly country darkness right here. His Spotify bio says that he fronted a Fort Worth-based thrash metal outfit called Unchecked Aggression before going back to his country roots. That is a pretty weird career path. I just went to check out that band, and I think he made a good choice to leave it behind in favor of this new thing. Only one song with more than 2k streams ("Smell of Blood") which sounds like some dudes trying to combine Metallica with Pantera in their grandma's basement.
But this is pretty traditional country, bending toward an outlaw country sound at times, but not any of the new Nashville BS country stuff, with all the raditude and platitudes. Five albums, with 2010's Less Wise sounding more like a small-time, DIY, Americana album that would be played on KHYI and KOKE on rotation (especially "Hippies and Cowboys") but the two more recent albums (Adobe Sessions from 2015 and I'm Not the Devil from 2016) are the better crafted, but still rough hewn, albums of "new" traditional country sounds. Think Stapleton or Jamey Johnson. His most popular track, by almost 2x, is from that Adobe Sessions album, called "Loud and Heavy," and has 5.2 million streams.
Will I go See Him Though? Yeah, I think I will.
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