Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Breeders

One Liner: Alternative rock's girl group from the 90's (yes, you remember "Cannonball").
Wikipedia Genre: Alternative rock
Home: Wikipedia lists Boston, L.A., London, and Dayton, Ohio.  So, everywhere, apparently.

Poster Position: 9

Day: Saturday at 3:30
Both Weekends.

Thoughts: You remember these ladies, right?  "Cannonball," with its fantastic opening "Oooooohhgaaahh" sung in unison by ladies and then the thrashing kick of the chorus?  That song still jams.
Did I own that album back in that day?  Yes I did.  Did I wear out that one song?  You know it.  Do I remember any other song on that album?  Not really.  Did I kind of think that this same band sang the Veruca Salt song "Seether"?  Yes, sadly, also true.  But, this band is famous in my mind because it was the new creative outlet for Kim Deal of the Pixies.  I lvoed the Pixies back in the day, so that was a big deal to me.  The other main gal in the band was apparently part of something called Throwing Muses, but I don't know what that is...

Wikipedia tells us that the term "Breeders" is apparently a derogatory gay slang expression for heterosexuals.  Huh.  So I guess I'm a Breeder too.  And actually, as I re-listen to Last Splash (the 1993 album with the hit on it), I remember "No Aloha" and "Mad Lucas" (with its weird vibrating vocals) and "Diving Hammer."  That last one is another good tune.

I recently reviewed their new album, which you can read here.  I didn't love it or hate it, it had some good bits and some less interesting bits, but I didn't save it for later listening, so I didn't love it.  The top song from that album is "Wait in the Car," with 885k streams, but I already linked to that one, so let's go with second place, "Nervous Mary," at 395k streams.
Again, good crunchy alt rock groove.  Pretty good, but nothing so revelatory I'm going to tear off my clothes or anything.  Running back through their catalog right now, that is kind of how I feel up and down about it.  Pretty solid alt rock tunes, but nothing so exciting I need to hear it right now.  One thing I feel like everyone needs, and maybe they'll play at ACL to pay homage to Sir McCartney, is their cover of "Happiness is a Warm Gun," from the 1990 album Pod (which is pretty raw, you can tell how they matured before the Last Splash album).  But it is a little amazing to run through the catalog and realize how exactly they play to type - I would have a hard time identifying any song as being from 1993 or 2006 or 2018.

I might go see them just because of "Cannonball" and the alt rock love I have in general.  We'll see.

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