Monday, September 10, 2018


One Liner: Acoustic hip hop (but also real beats) for the Kiddies
Wikipedia Genre: Rap, Acoustic Hip Hop
Home: Houston

Poster Position: 30

Day: Sunday at 4:30
Both Weekends

Thoughts: I was unsure whether this was a Kiddie Limits guy or a gospel guy.  On the one hand, the name SaulPaul invokes the transition of general jerk Saul into the Apostle Paul (from the Bible, not some weird Breaking Bad episode).  On the other hand, his tunes are less gospel and more positivity rap with titles like "Encourage Me" or "Do That Hula Hoop," which sounds more kiddie.  And yes, there he is on the Kiddie Limits stage, so there you have it.

He's actually pretty solid.  Beats are pretty basic, and his flows are similarly simple, but I appreciate that he sounds like legit rap instead of obviously pandering stuff for kids.  Moms and dads can snap and bounce to "Do That Hula Hoop" just as easily as the toddlers.  Top song is "Rise," boasting all of 4,612 streams on Spotify.
Acoustic hip hop.  Actually a cool angle to take on the overproduced world of rap.

If the dude's Wikipedia is to be believed, he has a very cool story.  Raised in the rough parts of Houston, kicked out of college for grades, and ended up in jail for two years.  Got out of jail, got into Texas, and graduated with honors.  He also got notoriety for doing rapped recaps of ESPN radio shows (based on his skills at just making up raps on the spot), which is a weird thing, but seems like a cool talent.  I couldn't find any videos of it, but here is an explanation!  Which seems weird and kinda boring to watch!
OK.  Very interesting dude who seems to be doing good things.  I hope the kids enjoy the hula hooping!

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