Friday, August 9, 2019

The Amazons

One Liner:  Slightly lighter Royal Blood (apparently the only rock reference point I recall now)
Wikipedia Genre:  Alternative rock, indie rock, hard rock, power pop
Home: Reading, England

Poster Position: 13

Weekend One.

Thoughts: Oh, heyyyyyy.  The lead singer is looking like Billy from Stranger Things, all smoldering eyes and garbage 80's hair.  Oh, no, wait, he's a ginger!  Love him already!  
‘We’re very prepared to fail. But we’ll stand by this album. We’re making the music we want to hear’

And more importantly, this stuff jams.  This is that kind of pounding, fist-pumping, power-chording, pogo-jumping, head-banging, yell-the-lyrics-to-the-sky rocks bands like a slightly slicker Royal Blood.  Several big publications hyped them a bunch in 2017, making those bands to look for lists in NME, BBC Radio 1, MTV, and The Independent.  The BBC has a great headline for their 2017 article on the band - "Meet the band who torched their own tour bus."  They apparently did it for the photo for the cover of their debut album.

So, they're still out there making rock and roll, despite all of the signals from the world that this is the time to make 93 remixes of a mediocre rap song, or create formulaic bro country about red dirt roads, and I'm glad they are stubbornly still out here.

Two albums - 2017's The Amazons and then 2019's Future Dust - and both of them kick pretty hard.  Buncha fuzzy 70's guitar licks in here.  First one I'll give you is from that new album, the one that really brings out those Royal Blood comparisons.  "MOther," with 4.1 million streams.
Its right when the guitars first kick in at about :40 seconds in - whatever effects they are using is very RB-esque.  And I dig it.  Bob your head a little and let the air puff up your chest as you prepare to howl along with them on that wordless hook.  That video freaks out my eyeballs a little.

I just got randomly excited because YouTube wanted me to watch a movie called The Amazons vs. Steppenwolf, so I thought it might be some cool mashup video showing how similar some of these guys' licks are to the old band Steppenwolf.  Not so much - apparently one of the bad guys who fights Wonder Woman's people was named Steppenwolf (which is a really weird and shit name for a comic book bad guy) and the video was just them beating each other up with a shaky camera view in Justice League or something.

Anyhoo, the most streamed track from their first album is "Black Magic," with 12.5 million streams.  
A little less of the hard thump I like in the new album, a little more poppy tunefulness like a Kings of Leon or Spoon or something.  Still a good track though.

I really like these guys - would totally go watch the show.

1 comment:

Joseph Cathey said...

Wait...I assumed they would be a bunch of tall, bad-ass women with that band name.
