Saturday, August 10, 2019


One Liner:  Run of the mill R&B pop for one song
Wikipedia Genre:  No Wikipedia, going with pop and R&B
Home: St. Louis, MO

Poster Position: 25

Weekend One Only.

Thoughts: One song - I'll readily admit that I just chose her to review right now because I need to put together three more of these to schedule before leaving on vacation and I needed one that would be quick.  Just one single, released on June 21, called "Bang," which uses that word a good 87 times in the tune.  In case you wanted to hear someone say that word repeatedly.
She sure is mad about her boyfriend ignoring a waiter.  Let the guy finish his story!  Or maybe its something deeper than that, ah yeah, then he's an asshole to the waitress, so maybe she knew what was coming.

Huh.  She is apparently from Missouri, although that song makes her sound like she was going to be a Brit.  That song is fine - nothing new or interesting in comparison to all the other pop/R&B tracks out there.  No thanks.

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