Monday, May 9, 2016

Eliot Sumner

One Liner:  Pop-flavored synth rock from Sting's daughter.

Poster Position: 14

Thoughts:  I'm totally confused.  I just listened to the album and EP listed on Spotify as being by Eliot Sumner, and then clicked on the "About" tab.  Apparently, this dude is not a dude, but is instead the daughter of Sting.  And once you know this is the daughter of Sting, you can't help but hear his voice in her voice, and it makes the music even better.  But straight up, her vocal pitch is man-ish.  If I hadn't read about her, I never would have thought that this was a lady.  

She's got one full album, 2016's Information, and one EP by the same name from a few years ago. She's had a bunch of listeners on Spotify, as her most popular songs are over or approaching half a million listens.  The most streamed track is called "I Followed You Home," and has 554k.
Great track - the chugging guitar/bass drives it well.  And seriously, can't you hear Sting in that voice? I dig what she's putting down though.  Random fact derived from her Wikipedia page, she apparently lost her sense of smell in 2009.  Boom!  Knowledge.  Some of her tunes are dark and broody, but I think she is best when having fun.  Here is the song with the second-most spins on Spotify, "Firewood."
Another good one.  Surprising, but I like this music quite a bit.  Something about the music and her voice also makes me think of the Killers.  One great sign for her is that I am not wanting to switch to the next band.  Good tunes.  I think I'd be willing to go check her out.

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