Thursday, August 25, 2016

Local Natives

One Liner: Lovely little indie rock

Poster Position: 5

Slot: 4pm on Sunday (in other words, no one is going to go see them, because NATHANIEL RATELIFF!!!)

Thoughts:  I recall that an ex-co-worker was way into this band's first album a few years ago, but I never really gave them an opportunity until now.  In my head, I thought that I liked them, but now I'm realizing that I don't know much of their music at all.  It is melodic indie rock, nothing ever hard, but it isn't as sleepy as "melodic indie rock" would connote (to me at least).

Original album was 2010's Gorilla Manor, which had a few tracks with loads of streams. However, none of these sounded familiar to me: "Wide Eyes" (16.9 million), "Airplanes" (16.6 million), and "Who Knows Who Cares" (7.9 million).  Here is "Wide Eyes," their most listened to and most popular right now.
Stalker shark!  Pretty good song though.  Nothing earth shatteringly different, but I still like the groove of the tune.  Then, the band put out Hummingbird in 2013, which has two tunes that I recognize from the radio ("Breakers" and "Heavy Feet").  Although "Heavy Feet" has the more plays on Spotify (9.8 million), I prefer "Breakers" (6.6 million).
A little more rockin', still harmonic.  They've also got three new singles available on Spotify, so I expect that a new album is on the way sometime soon.  If I get a chance, I'll check that out to and let you know what it is like, even though I'm not going to go see this show.

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