One Liner: Lovely little R&B song (and for now, just the one)
Poster Position: 26
Weekend One Only.
Sunday at 12:10.
BMI Stage.
Thoughts: I was really hoping for a nice palette cleanser I could use after the deathbyromy experience, but this is just one song. Not very helpful, lady. I need to get some work done this morning and need the tunes to just roll along for a while!
"unintentional," featuring something named Pink Sweat$, makes me wonder which of them is the lady and which is the guy. Generically pretty love song with a light trap beat and acoustic guitar meanderings. 2 million streams.
I mentioned in my last post how I have been listening to this podcast by Rob Harvilla. I love it. But his guest said something this morning that cut me a little bit when talking about some dude who gave Mary J. Blige's debut album a terrible review. She said something to the effect of how harmful it was to have someone with zero background in a genre thrust into the critic's chair to weigh in on something that they have no context for. That is a million percent me when it comes to R&B music like this - I have never cared for any of it. So, while I can recognize that this song is really pretty, and relaxing, and has a nice little groove to it, I also have no clue how this fits into the larger context of the genre, the way I might when talking about a new Sturgill album or new Foo Fighters disc or something. Anyway, I just want to apologize if you think I'm being a prick about R&B, soul, EDM, or non-English things. Smooches.
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