Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Marley Bleu

One Liner:  Lovely little R&B song (and for now, just the one)

Wikipedia Genre:  No WIkipedia, soul and R&B?
Home: Santa Clarita, CA

Poster Position: 26
Weekend One Only.
Sunday at 12:10.

BMI Stage.

Thoughts:  I was really hoping for a nice palette cleanser I could use after the deathbyromy experience, but this is just one song.  Not very helpful, lady.  I need to get some work done this morning and need the tunes to just roll along for a while!

"unintentional," featuring something named Pink Sweat$, makes me wonder which of them is the lady and which is the guy.  Generically pretty love song with a light trap beat and acoustic guitar meanderings.  2 million streams.

Appears to be that the lady is Marley and the dude is Sweat$, just FYI.  A bio that sounds like it was written by her agency says that she is in the musical lineage of Chuck Berry, and that her father and brother are both in the music industry (although unnamed).  She apparently gained fame with TikTok videos, receiving likes from Drake and Timbaland, and that led to a deal with Republic Records.  Sounds like an album is upcoming, but for now, sure.  Pretty voice and generic track - good job.

I mentioned in my last post how I have been listening to this podcast by Rob Harvilla.  I love it.  But his guest said something this morning that cut me a little bit when talking about some dude who gave Mary J. Blige's debut album a terrible review.  She said something to the effect of how harmful it was to have someone with zero background in a genre thrust into the critic's chair to weigh in on something that they have no context for.  That is a million percent me when it comes to R&B music like this - I have never cared for any of it.  So, while I can recognize that this song is really pretty, and relaxing, and has a nice little groove to it, I also have no clue how this fits into the larger context of the genre, the way I might when talking about a new Sturgill album or new Foo Fighters disc or something.  Anyway, I just want to apologize if you think I'm being a prick about R&B, soul, EDM, or non-English things.  Smooches.

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