Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Levites (2024)

One Liner:  Gospel time

Wikipedia Genre:  Gospel
Home: Austin!

Poster Position: 26
Weekend One Only.
Sunday at 12:15.

Tito's Tent.

Thoughts:   Levites are Jewish males who claim patrilineal descent from the Tribe of Levi. The Tribe of Levi descended from Levi, the third son of Jacob and Leah. The Tribe of Levi served particular religious duties for the Israelites and had political (administering cities of refuge) and educational responsibilities as well. In return, the landed tribes were expected to support the Levites with a tithe, particularly the tithe known as the First tithe, ma'aser rishon. The Kohanim, a subset of the Levites, were the priests, who performed the work of holiness in the Temple. The Levites, referring to those who were not Kohanim, were specifically assigned to: Singing and/or playing music in the Temple, serving as guards, and carrying.  In modern times, Levites are integrated in Jewish communities, and the total percentage of Levites among the wider Jewish population is about 4%.

Hard to know which band is which, as more than one group appear to use this name.  The ACL website provides no information about the band, but I think this is a gospel band and not the session band from New Zealand, the Jewish soulful choir group, or the Filipino "all-priest band."  But I can't know for sure.  In the event that I know what I am talking about, this is a rap/soul/gospel thing from the Austin area with a front man named Shedrach Rowry.  Here is one track I could find on YouTube:

Right on.

Spotify has loaded up two albums of tunes that you can enjoy from these folks.  2013's Rescued is their own album, and then 2015's Broken to Minister is an album by Damien Sneed that is "featuring" the Levites.  Only two songs have more than 1,000 listens.  Here is a YouTube track that I was able to find - there aren't too many for them - a live tune called "God You Are"

So many people singing.  You've got at least 6 people jamming their damn lungs out up there. Wailing that stuff out.  Kind of stressful.  They break it down later in that 8 minute long video, which is kind of cool, but its still a lot going on.  If you are up at noon on Sunday, then by all means, go get this in your system.

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