Friday, July 17, 2015

2015 reviews are done!

The dishes are done, man!  Made my way through the entire line-up for the First Weekend, and it feels glorious.  Next steps - I'm going to get to work on ordering the bands into lists, listening to new music released by these guys in the past two months, and thinking about other cool and hopefully useful things to write up about how to survive the 'fest.  And I'm also going to finally listen to some of the other music I have been saving into a huge queue of things I have been wanting to hear but haven't had time while listening to all of these groups.  Looking at you, new Mumford & Sons.

1 comment:

Joseph Cathey said...

Congrats and well done buddy!

I'll save you the effort on Mumford and Sons' new album: imagine something super boring and dull that goes on and on and on....that's their new album.