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Pop punk and emo sounds.
2011's Your Favorite Weapon, their debut album, is much more straight pop punk than their later albums that start to angle away from the basic beat. Sounds like old Blink 182 (which is about the extent of my pop punk knowledge. Oh, and I liked Sum 41.). The "hit" off of that album, which I like quite a bit after a few listens, is called "Jude Law and a Semester Abroad." It has about 3 million spins on Spotify, but doesn't crack the top ten for the band.
Don't forget about that American back home who loves you, ho bag college girl. Stop hooking up with those bad teeth English dudes. This album does less of the pure screaming music that grates my nerves after a while. I know they mix up scream with sing on that song, but it doesn't feel quite so incessant and annoying.
Their second album is called Deja Entendu, and has the annoyingly clever song name disease that infected so much of the pop punk movement in the oughts. The best name out of those is "Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't." Keep the change, ya filthy animal! Of their top ten most popular songs, five are from this album, so this album appears to have been their most popular. Since it is the only one to be certified as Gold, I guess that is true. The most-listened-to song is "The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows," clocking in at 7.5 million.
Good tune. Tight backing and actual tight harmonies - good fist pumper for a concert. Then 2006's The Devil and God Are Raging Inside of Me was an album where they used up all their words on the album title and not on the songs. The most listened to song on Spotify is off of this album, with just over 9 million, called "Jesus Christ."
Surprisingly pretty track. Definitely a departure from their earlier music, and several other tracks on this album stick to the more melodic and less jarring punk sound. "Degausser" does the same. They can still get loud, but they also spend a lot of time building up to that and sounding more intentional with the screaming, not just starting at that level from the get go.
Their final album is 2009's Daisy. No song from that album is in their top ten most popular on Spotify, but "At the Bottom" wins by having 1.7 million listens. Odd, this was their highest charting album, but it doesn't sound like it sold all that many copies in the end. Darker sound for sure, especially when compared to their debut.
I definitely liked their earlier music better than this one - the emo-pop-punk of their debut sounds much better to me than this more plain alternative rock with screams. Deja Entendu is my favorite. Weird to think that these guys haven't put out an album in many years, but their music still sounds recent and they're now on the sixth line of a major festival. I guess they've still got it. Maybe will go check them out to see the live show.
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