Friday, July 10, 2015

Night Drive

Their website description is kind of funny, in that it says "Night Drive is not a band. It's a mission. 2 secret agents sent out to recalibrate the future of electro pop."  And yet, when I listen to the music, I immediately think of 80's new wave music.  Sounds like they are going back to get to the future.  It is all electronic, but not the bass heavy EDM stuff dominating the electronic scene right now.

Their offerings on Spotify consist of a handful of original songs, and then about 672 remixes of those songs, so after listening through all 25 tracks available on Spotify, I feel like I have heard the same 5 songs a million times.  They have one EP, 2013's Position I, and then a handful of singles.  The most listened-to track on Spotify (117k listens) is called "After Dark."

According to a Red Bull bio on these guys, their origin story is more than a little bit dark and creepy. "The Austin/Houston based duo of Rodney Connell and Brandon Duhon began after a young woman they were both unknowingly dating at the same time was killed in a car crash. The tragic event bonded the two men, and shortly afterwards they began a musical collaboration."  One way to bring something good out of tragedy, I guess.  I wish they could have recorded that first interaction for a supremely awkward short film.

They have released a new track for 2015, called "Easy to Lie," which only has 11,032 listens on Spotify as of now.
Is that you, Morrissey?  Even though this type of music is not normally what I aim for in life, these songs are actually pretty catchy little 80's grooves.

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