Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Rankings: The No Ways

I have quite a few other people to add into the rankings I have been working on, but they will all inhabit the middle ground of lukewarm tepid-ness.  However, these are the ones that I know, right now, I would not go watch play.  I'm sure other people out there like them and are pumped about their show, and see that many of them have huge hits and millions of listens.  But no freaking way for me.  These are in descending order of badness.
  1. Glass Animals - I cannot deal with the "Gooey" song.
  2. Night Drive - new wave Morissey
  3. Cherub - electronic jokey pop
  4. Kehlani - Parental advisory R&B
  5. Mako - EDM badness that thankfully is not coming to the Fest after all.
  6. Borns - Mildly interesting electro pop dance.
  7. Ryn Weaver - electronic pop blah
  8. Boots - angrier electro and rock, but collaborated with Beyonce, so may go a new direction?
  9. Charlotte OC - electronic pop blah
  10. Meg Myers - so scary!  How do you want MEEEEEEE!?!
  11. Deadmau5 - My least favorite of the EDM'ers coming.
  12. Nero - like an EDM version of bad early 90's video game music with generic lyrics
  13. The Weeknd - hard to believe I liked other bands less than this, but true.
  14. Twenty One Pilots - Ugh.
  15. Holychild - really bad. "Brat Pop."
Luckily for me, that last band is no longer even on the list for coming to ACL.  I bet my review was the straw that broke the camel's back and the C3 folks just called Holychild up and said "sorry, Brat-poppers, but dulljack said you blow.  You're out."

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