Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Capital Cities

One Hit Wonder: def.: a person or act known mainly for only a single success.  Looking at these dudes' Spotify tracks is revealing.  Safe and Sound, the track that you have likely heard (unless you have that blissful existence without small children who listen to crap pop radio), has 77 million listens.  Next most popular song has 5 million, and none of the rest break 3 million.

Extra points to these two guys for embracing their goofiness and making that video slightly humorous.  But unfortunately for them, it still doesn't make me enjoy their song.  I mean, bully for them for making a massive hit and probably getting paid $43 or so for the Spotify and YouTube royalties from that song, but blah.

This next one has Andre 3000 in it, so it's bound to be better, right?  Er, no.  Any song that hashtags something is jenky.  While the WASPy portion of me wants to like it because they use the NPR voice, nope.  I also want to like it because its silly, but instead I don't ever want to hear that song again.

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