Friday, May 2, 2014

Jon Pardi

I have to think that he made that name up to sound like "Party."  His top single (a little over 4 million listens on Spotify) is fully formed Nashville country rockin' about partyin' all night long.

Pearl snap shirt, check.  Well-creased cowboy hat, check.  Steel guitar, check.  Pictures of a barn and moving some hay, check.  Friendly yellow dog, check.  Topless bronco and big red truck, check.  Taking a dirt road, check.  Blanket by the creek, check.  Is there a Don King for young country music artists who helps them fill out this checklist of what is required to be in the lyrics of every song?  Blerg.

Second most listened to song is Missin' You Crazy, which is another hootenanny masterstroke about haulin' ass home to kiss you goodnight, 'cause woah woah woah woah 'cause here I come baby!  Whowee!  Gotta get gone!

This video shows two things.  There are fans who know his music and who appear to really like beer.  And when he's not wearing his Nashville-agent-issued cowboy hat, he prefers skater-ish trucker caps with his sweet locks flowing out from underneath.  Tune is pretty toe-tappin' but I am going to let this guy do his thing without me in October.

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