Thursday, May 29, 2014

Von Grey (No Longer Playing Weekend One)

Poppy country/bluegrass girl group made up of four sisters.  Super awesome edgy piercings and side-shaved-head action:

They seem like talented ladies and their EP (2013's Awakening) is solidly good music.  I am always a sucker for a well-played mandolin.  No clue why I like shrimpy little guitars, but I dig them just about every time I hear them.  Their YouTube videos include a large number of "backseat covers," including this well-done mash of Amie and Cecilia:

However, something in the smugness of their look, like - we know we are good and super young and have odd piercings and play clever covers, love us or else you are not cool - grates my nerves.  They should respect my dumb conventions of what a normal folkie alternative band should look like!  Respect my prejudices!

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