Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Blue Bear

Austin-based country/indie action.  Heavy on harmonies and piles of acoustic guitar.

Really nice sound.  This next one shows them awkwardly talking to some low-budget reporter person before kicking in their song Mountain River Waterfall:

Another well done song.  Reminds me of the Fleet Foxes style of relaxed, harmonic indie homage to the 70's folk scene.  Maybe Band of Horses too.  Not nearly as polished, but it is enjoyable.  The end of that video above includes an interview - and guess what, the first band he reps is Fleet Foxes.  Damn, I'm good.  The band just has a five song EP available on Spotify, and very little information out there on the web.  According to their website, they are super honored to be playing ACL, but other than that show, they have one show scheduled for June 12 in Atlanta, then will be cooling their jets until October.  Good stuff, hope their full album lives up to it.

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