Monday, May 12, 2014


Odd indie pop electronica?  The top song on Spotify is Water Fountain, from their new album (Nikki Nack), which is a poppy little hand-clappy nugget of Iko Iko homage combined with some Busta Rhymes. 

Awesome PeeWee's Playhouse-esque action in that video.  I don't even know how to categorize that song - it's so all over the place, and yet it is definitely an ear worm that wants to stick with me.  I've heard it a couple of times since the first listen, and it is supremely catchy.

The band spells their name as tUnE-yArDs, so I intrinsically think they are sucky.  Don't be a capitalization weirdo, regardless of your age or the power of children using the Internet.  They caught some attention recently when Arcade Fire tabbed them to open some of their shows, and I hear the same world-music-ish notes that Arcade Fire has grown fond of, so I see that choice.  The most listened to song on Spotify is Bizness:

That video is mesmerizing.  I feel like an old dummy - I thought no one made good music videos since MTV turned into Black Eyes and Boobs TV, but a lot of these videos I have seen over the past few weeks are really cool.

Here is one more video - kind of a reggae vocal over the top of weird rock clanking and bangings:
I gave the new album a full listen and I'm just not sure that I get it.  She has a lovely, understated voice that kind of does a little sing-songy thing with some rappy elements, but the music is so experimental on a lot of the songs that it is hard for me to feel like I am enjoying it.  Anyone out there going to help me understand my own shortcomings as a listener?  Tell me the key song I need to listen to and I'll see what I can do.

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