Monday, May 12, 2014


Rock band from Mexico.  According to their bio on Spotify, they "skyrocketed to the top of the rock en espanol scene in 2006 with critically acclaimed third album Memo Rex Commander y el Corazon Atomico de la Via Lactea."  I put that album name into the translator in my head, and determined that it means David Bowie is my Lactating Atomic Bomb.  However, google translate tells me that it actually says "Memorandum Rex Commander and the Atomic Heart of the Milky Way."  Which is a fantastic album name.  Wikipedia says that they are inspired by Britpop and Grunge.  If the 5 most popular songs on Spotify are any indication, Wikipedia is a damn liar.

This video shows some weird animated (but still? and apparently face-melting?) sex shots and a guy playing piano naked, so we've got that going for us all.  Here's another:

Kind of a snappy little tune, even if I have no clue what they are talking about.  But chicks stealing a mustang, shooting pistols at a range, playing chess, and then partying in someone else's pool - that needs zero translation!  The international language of bad ass mofos.

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