Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Royal Blood (2015)

Kick ass.  A rock duo from Brighton who sound freaking fantastically heavy.  I hear a little bit of Soundgarden-style grunge, a big fat bunch of White Stripes, a serving of Tool's heavy tunefulness, and a bunch of fun.  They have one real album, 2014's Royal Blood, that hits hard from the start and never lets up.  The most listened to track on Spotify is "Figure it Out," which is fantastic.
Hear that Jack White-esque action?  I am all-in on this action.  Near the end of the tune (2:40 or so), when they just crank it up and jam it out, that is what I'm talking about.  Sounds like old Queens of the Stone Age. Sweet thunder!  Here is the second-most popular tune on Spotify right now, "Out of the Black"
Their album peaked at #1 in the UK, but only made it up to #30 in the U.S.  I wish I had heard it last year because I would have been pimping it hard.  Hope I get to see them play (i.e., scheduling people, please don't make them play the 11 am slot on Saturday morning).

1 comment:

Joseph Cathey said...

As much as you think I troll you on Foo Fighters and some other bands....I give you props when you're dead on with awesomeness. (Spanish Gold last year stands out)

This album is awesome. AWESOME!