Friday, August 24, 2018


One Liner: Generic mix of rap and R&B from a Brit lady
Wikipedia Genre: No Wikipedia, going with Soundcloud rap and R&B
Home: Manchester, U.K.

Poster Position: 14-ish

Day: Saturday at 1:30.
Both Weekends.

Thoughts: Huh.  Not sure what I expected from the name, but not this.  Lady sing-song rapper, British, with glitchy, clicking trap beats.  Pretty generic though.  A handful of mixtapes out there, from 2015's Waeveybby, Vol 1 (which took me three tries to spell); 2017's Vibe, Vol 2; 2017's Hoodrich, Vol 3; and then 2018's Flightmode, Vol 4.  The most listened to track is from the Vol. 3 album, "Shade," with 12.2 million streams.
Kinda sleepy Cardi B?  On my third time through it, and it actually sounds better now.  Slinky, bouncy, basic.  Too bad the lyrics are boring.  The top track off of the new EP is called "Drippy."  Here you go.
Nope.  That one is terrible.  Nothing redeeming, from the beat to the lyrics to the delivery - just all bad.  
If you want to know more about her, let's go try to read some articles, shall we?  This one from The Fader pretty much just tells us that she is from Manchester, via Portugal and Angola, and then shows a bunch of videos.  Not very helpful.  How about The Guardian?  Here we go: "Born Diana Debrito – hence IAMDDB – her Angolan father was a musician, and Debrito, 21, has been writing songs since she was seven." Still just like 3 paragraphs.  Who doesn't anyone want to write a lot about her, other than saying she is going to be the next huge thing.  I disagree.

I'm good without seeing this one.

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