Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ralph's World (2018)

One Liner: Kiddie Limits silliness
Wikipedia Genre: None, going with silly children's music
Home: Chicago

Poster Position: 30
Day: Friday at 2:30
Weekend Two Only.

Thoughts: Some more ridiculousness for the Kiddies.  This dude came in 2014, and here was my review at the time.  I'm not going to go much further in depth to this, except that the now most-popular tune allows children to make farting noises as they sing along, and I fully co-sign this.  "Drivin' in My Car."  Has 217k streams, somehow.
ppptttttthh pppppttttthh  pttttthhhh.  Woohoo!

If you have kids who like to make fart noises, which is every kid except for some future serial killer who is all serious and weird, then go request this song.

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