Saturday, August 18, 2018

Big Thief

One Liner: Chilled out indie rock with high quality lyrics.
Wikipedia Genre: Indie rock, folk rock
Home: Brooklyn, NY

Poster Position: 15

Day: Friday at 12:45
Both Weekends.

Thoughts: I reviewed their 2016 album a few years ago and enjoyed it, and then listened to their sophomore album a few times when it made an end-of-year list for SPIN.  Very enjoyable stuff.  A few times during these two albums, they'll crank it up and rock a bit, but the majority of this is pretty chilled out indie rock and folky stuff.

Brooklyn band, made up of the female lead singer and three dudes on the instruments.  Weird thing maybe only I see: the cover of Masterpiece looks like a young Winona Ryder about to blow at a bird; the cover of Capacity looks like a young dude from Baby Driver holding a baby and looking bummed about it.

Two albums (as mentioned above), 2016's Masterpiece and then 2017's Capacity.  Nothing too terribly different changes in between the two albums, they hew to the same chilled formula and nice vocals. Not much in the way of streaming numbers, barely any of the songs crack 5 million.  The top track is from the debut album, "Paul," with 9.7 million streams.
Super cool vibe.  And (as noted previously in my review of the album) the lyrics are kind of a rad take on some Bonnie and Clyde shit.  Lyrically a good one, as well as a cool sound.  Especially the sleepy, reverb-soaked breakdown in the middle.  

From the newer album, the top track is "Mythological Beauty," which clocks in at 5.4 million.
Another super lovely tune - has a longing quality to it that I very much dig, while also sounding like one of the old Pixies or Smashing Pumpkins songs where they let the female of the band take over vocal duties.  Good flavor.

I'd totally go check these guys out, even though they are so chilled out that it might not be such an exciting show.

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